Understanding Value Propositions

Understanding Value Propositions

Understanding Value Propositions

Value propositions are often misunderstood, yet they're crucial for any coherent business plan and go-to-market strategy. Here's a clear explanation:

"An extremely good and clear explanation of why anyone should pay for your product or service."

A value proposition describes the value an organization provides to its customers, answering:

  • What value do I provide?
  • Who are my customers?

Values can be:

  • Tangible: lower prices, faster delivery, higher quality
  • Abstract: better customer service, unique magical experience

Four Key Steps to Creating Value Propositions

  1. Who is my customer? (Who is the value for?)
  2. What problem are we solving for the customer?
  3. What is your solution, and how does it solve the problem?
  4. How is the solution different from what's already available?

Without a clear value proposition, you risk developing products/services customers don't need or want, increasing go-to-market risk.

Detailed Breakdown of the Four Steps

1. Who Is My Customer?

Avoid saying "everyone" is your customer. Instead, ask:

  • What are their jobs? (life tasks they're trying to accomplish)
  • What pains do they experience?
  • What positive outcomes are they looking for?

Define your audience articulately to communicate with purpose.

2. What Key Problem Are You Solving?

Be clear about the problem you're solving. Many successful startups begin by solving the founder's own problem.

User personas can be a great reference point for solving others' problems.

3. What Is Your Answer to the Problem & How Does It Work?

Explain your solution simply. Remember the "curse of knowledge" and use the Feynman technique: explain it as if to a 5th grader.

Example: Unbounce's clear explanation of their solution to low conversion rates.

4. How Is Your Product/Service Different to What's Already Available?

  • Why should customers choose your product/service?
  • Aim to be significantly better (e.g., 2x better) than existing solutions.
  • Position yourself as completely different from "broken" existing solutions.
  • Ensure differentiators are quantifiable and testable.

Getting it Right: Examples of Strong Value Propositions


  • "Welcome to the world's most popular website builder."
  • "39% of the web is built on WordPress."
  • "More bloggers, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies use WordPress than all other options combined."
  • "Build simply. Create any kind of website. No code, no manual, no limits."


  • "Save money, without thinking about it."
  • "Take the worry out of your money"


  • "Music for everyone"
  • "Millions of songs and podcasts. No credit card needed."

Analysis: Spotify emphasizes accessibility and variety. The "for everyone" tagline suggests inclusivity, while mentioning "no credit card needed" reduces barriers to entry for new users.


  • "Get there. Your day belongs to you."
  • "Tap the app, get a ride"

Analysis: Uber focuses on convenience and empowerment. It positions itself as a tool that gives you control over your time and simplifies transportation.


  • "Belong anywhere"
  • "Find places to stay and things to do on Airbnb"

Analysis: Airbnb's value proposition centers on unique experiences and a sense of belonging, even when traveling. It appeals to those seeking more personal, home-like accommodations and local experiences.

Dollar Shave Club

  • "A great shave for a few bucks a month"
  • "No commitment. Cancel anytime."

Analysis: Dollar Shave Club emphasizes affordability and convenience. The "no commitment" clause reduces perceived risk for potential customers.

The 'Buy-a-Feature' Game

One effective method for validating and refining your value propositions is the 'Buy-a-Feature' game. This interactive workshop activity allows you to gauge the relative importance of different features or solutions in the eyes of your target audience. By simulating a purchasing scenario, you can gain valuable insights into what truly matters to your potential customers.

To set up the game, start by presenting all your proposed solutions or features to a focus group composed of individuals from your target market. Each solution or feature should be clearly explained and displayed, perhaps on cards or a whiteboard for easy reference.

Next, assign a cost to each feature or solution. These costs should be proportional to the actual development or implementation costs, but simplified for the game. For instance, a complex feature might cost 100 units, while a simpler one might only cost 30 units.

Provide your audience with a set amount of fake currency. This could be play money, poker chips, or even something fun like jellybeans. The total amount given should be less than the combined cost of all features, forcing participants to make choices and prioritize.

Finally, ask your audience to 'invest' their fake cash in the solutions or features they value most. Encourage them to think as if they were actually spending their own money. Participants can distribute their funds as they see fit – they might choose to put all their money on one high-value item or spread it across several features.