Project Management Artificial Intelligence.

Leverage Artificial Intelligence to streamline project management and improve efficiency. Automatically categorize your work items and summarize discussions into action points.

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Powering the world's best project managers.

From startups → enterprise

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AI is included out of the box.

Blue comes with AI built-in — no extra charges.

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Summarize Conversations
Instant Summarization of long conversations with clear action points.
Categorizations & Tagging
Automatic categorization of records and tasks based on logical tags
Semantic Search
Advanced search that understands meaning and context, not just for keywords.

Always know the next key actions with AI-powered conversation summaries.

Our AI can summarize conversations and provide actionable insights, saving you valuable reading time.

AI Summary Product Screenshot

Keep work organized with automatic categorization of work items

Blue can automatically choose which tags to apply to records based on the context.

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Secure AI Integration

AI-Powered, Privacy-Focused.

Blue leverages AI capabilities while prioritizing your data privacy.

Secure Data Processing
Agreements with AI providers ensure your data is not retained or used for model training.
On-Premise Search Indexing
Search AI indexing is performed on our own cloud servers using open-source models.
Anonymized Processing
Sensitive information like assignee names is never sent to AI providers.
Data Residency Compliance
Our AI processing adheres to data residency requirements for international clients.
User Control
Users can delete AI-generated summaries if needed.
Future Opt-Out Options
We're considering organization-wide settings to toggle AI features on/off.
Secure Cloud Processing
All AI processing is done in secure cloud environments.
Continuous Improvement
We are always working to enhance our AI privacy features based on user feedback.

Discover AI powered project management.

Try Blue to automate project management and improve efficiency. Automatically categorize your work items and summarize discussions into action points.

App screenshot

Frequently asked questions