Custom Fields

Unique ID

The Unique ID field automatically generates a unique alphanumeric identifier for each record.

This brings immense value by creating persistent keys that consistently identify each record. Even if a record is deleted, its ID will never be duplicated.

Potential uses include:

  • Associating external systems to records via unique codes
  • Creating audit trails by tracking ID references
  • Searching for records easily in the platform via the ID, even if the record name changes

UniqueID 1

Unique IDs essentially establish immutable "social security numbers" for each record. This permanence and specificity enables powerful integrations, analytics, and identification capabilities.

UniqueID 2

Total Unique IDs Available

There are 36 possibilities for each of the 25 characters in a Blue Unique ID:
  • 26 uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • 10 digits (0-9)
This means that there are a total of 8.08×10^35 possibilities or, to be more accurate: 808,281,277,464,764,060,643,139,600,456,536,293,376

To put this into comparison, for every grain of sand on Earth (7.5*10^18), there are tens of quadrillions (1.08×10&17) of Unique IDs!

Project administrators can configure a custom prefix for all Unique IDs.

UniqueID 3

Project Administrators can set an optional prefix for all Unique IDs