Overcoming Common Challenges in Implementing Kanban

Overcoming Common Challenges in Implementing Kanban

Discover common challenges in implementing Kanban boards and learn effective strategies to overcome them.

August 10, 2024

At Blue, it's no secret that we love Kanban boards for project management..

We think that Kanban boards are a fantastic way to manage the workflow of any project, and they help keep project managers and team members alike sane!

For too long, we've all been using excel spreadsheets and todo lists to manage work.

Kanban came into play in post-war Japan in the 1940s, and we wrote a comprehensive writeup on the history if you're interested.

However, while many organizations want to implement Kanban, not that many do. The benefits of Kanban are well established, but many organizations face common challenges, and today we will cover some of the most common.

The key thing to remember is that setting up a kanban methodology is about creating outcomes, not simply tracking outputs.

Overloading the board

The most common problem when implementing Kanban is that board is overloaded with too many work items, ideas, and unnecessary complexity. Ironically, this is also one of the main reasons for project failure in general, regardless of the methodology used to manage the project!

Simplicity looks simple, but it's actually difficult to achieve!

This over-complexity typically happens for because of a misunderstanding on how to apply the core principles of Kanban boards to project management:

  1. An excessive number of cards
  2. Mixing work granularity (and that's a common challenge by itself!)
  3. An Overwhelming number of columns
  4. Too many tags

When a Kanban board is overladed, you lose the primary advantage of the Kanban way — the "at-a-glance" visual overview of the project. Team members may struggle to identify priorities, and the sheer volume of information can lead to decision paralysis and reduced engagement. This makes it less likely that you team will actually use the board that you spent all this time setting up!

Of course, we don't want that — so how do we go about battling complexity and embracing complexity?

Let's consider a few strategies.

Firstly, you don't need to log everything. We know — this can seem crazy, especially to some people. We hear you: surely things that are not measured aren't improved?

Yes...and no.

Let's take the example of logging customer feedback. You are not forced to log every single item. After all, if a feedback is particularly useful and important, you are likely to hear it again and again.

We suggest that if you absolutely do want to capture everything, then do it in a separate project board away from where the real work is happening. This will keep everyone sane.

Our second strategy to consider is regularly pruning.

Once a month or quarter, take some time to remove duplicates and outdated items. At Blue, we feel that this is so important that in a future release we want to use AI to automatically detect semantic duplicates (i.e. sea and ocean) that do not have shared keywords, as we feel this can go a long way to automating this pruning process. For task that are no longer required, either mark them as done with a brief explanation ro simply delete them.

This keeps your board relevant and manageable. Whenever we do this internally, we always breathe a sigh of relief afterwards!

Next up, keep your board structure as simple as it needs to be, but no simpler. You don't need branching patterns or multiple review stages, tasks are happy to bounch up and down between stages if required! In Blue, we log all card movements in our audit trail, so you will always have the full history of any card movements.

Aim for a streamlined board that accurately reflects your core process.

Don't create a crazy amount of tags, but do be religious about ensuring that every card is tagged appropriately. This ensures that when you do filter by tag, you actually get the results that you are looking for!

At Blue, we've also implemented an AI tagging system for this very reason. It can go through all your cards and automatically tag them based on the contents.

This is even more important in large projects where, by their very nature, there are a lot of tasks. You may see that some individuals always have filters on to reduce the cognitive overload.

This means that having accurate and up to date tags becomes even more important, as otherwise tasks can become completely invisible to certain individuals. In Blue, we automatically remember the separate filter preferences for each individual, so every time they come back to the board they have their filters set exactly as they like them!

By implementing these strategies, you can maintain a Kanban board that remains an effective tool for visualizing and optimizing your workflow, rather than becoming a source of stress or confusion for your team.

A well-managed, focused Kanban board will encourage consistent use and drive meaningful progress in your projects.

Pushing work instead of pulling it

A fundamental principle of Kanban is the concept of "pull" rather than "push" when it comes to work assignments. However, many organizations struggle to make this shift, often reverting to traditional methods of work allocation that can undermine the effectiveness of their Kanban implementation.

In a push system, work is assigned or "pushed" onto team members regardless of their current capacity or the state of in-progress work. Managers or project leads decide what tasks should be done and when, often leading to overburdened teams and a mismatch between workload and capacity. We've seen organizations that have projects with 50 or even 100 "in progress" work items.

This is essentially meaningless, as they are not actually working on those 50 or 100 items.

Conversely, a pull system allows team members to "pull" new work items into progress only when they have the capacity to handle them. This approach respects the team's current workload and helps maintain a steady, manageable flow of tasks through the system.

One of the clearest signs that an organization is still operating in a push system is when managers add cards directly into the "In Progress" column without warning or consultation with team members.

This approach disregards team capacity, ignores work-in-progress (WIP) limits, and can lead to multitasking and increased stress among team members.

Transitioning to a true pull system requires several key elements:

  • Trust: Management must trust that team members will make responsible decisions about when to start new work.
  • Clear prioritization: There should be a well-defined process for prioritizing tasks in the backlog, ensuring that when team members are ready for new work, they know exactly what to pull next.
  • Respect for WIP limits: The team should adhere to agreed-upon limits for work in progress, pulling new tasks only when capacity allows.
  • Focus on flow: The goal should be optimizing the smooth flow of work through the system, not keeping everyone busy all the time.

An effective strategy for transitioning from push to pull involves redefining roles:

Management and project managers should focus on maintaining and prioritizing the long-term and short-term backlogs. They ensure that the most important work is always at the top of the "To Do" list.

They should also concentrate on the review process, ensuring that completed work meets quality standards and aligns with project goals. Team members are empowered to move tasks into "In Progress" when they have capacity, based on the prioritized backlog.

This approach allows for a more organic flow of work, respects team capacity, and maintains the integrity of the Kanban system. It also promotes autonomy and engagement among team members, as they have more control over their workload.

Implementing this change often requires a significant cultural shift and may meet resistance, especially from managers accustomed to a more directive style.

However, the benefits – including improved productivity, reduced stress, and more consistent delivery of value – make it worthwhile.

And if your team is using a Kanban board without using a pull system, then well done — you have just implemented a large todo list that just happens to be broken up in columns.

Remember, the key to successful Kanban implementation is not just adopting the visual board, but embracing the underlying principles of flow, pull, and continuous improvement.

Ignoring WIP Limits

This challenge is closely related to the previous one. Often, ignoring Work In Progress (WIP) limits is the root cause of work being pushed instead of pulled.

When teams disregard these crucial constraints, the delicate balance of a Kanban system can quickly unravel.

WIP limits are the guardrails of a Kanban system, designed to optimize flow and prevent overload. They cap the number of tasks allowed in each stage of the process.

Simple in concept, yet powerful in practice. But despite their importance, many teams struggle to respect these limits.

Why do teams ignore WIP limits?

The reasons are varied and often complex.

Pressure to start new work before completing existing tasks is a common culprit. This pressure can come from management, clients, or even within the team itself. There's also often a lack of understanding about the purpose and benefits of WIP limits. Some team members might view them as arbitrary restrictions rather than tools for efficiency.

In other cases, the limits themselves might be poorly set, failing to reflect the team's actual capacity.

The consequences of disregarding WIP limits can be severe. Multitasking increases, leading to reduced efficiency and quality. Cycle times lengthen as work gets stuck in various stages. Bottlenecks become harder to identify, obscuring process issues that need attention. Perhaps most importantly, team members can experience increased stress and burnout as they juggle too many tasks simultaneously.

Enforcing WIP limits requires a multi-faceted approach. Education is key. Teams need to understand not just the what of WIP limits, but the why. Make the limits visually prominent on your Kanban board. This serves as a constant reminder and makes breaches immediately apparent.

Regular discussions about WIP limit adherence in team meetings can help reinforce their importance.

And don't be afraid to adjust the limits. They should be flexible, adapting to the team's changing capacity and needs.

Remember, WIP limits aren't about constraining your team. They're about optimizing flow and productivity. By respecting these limits, teams can reduce multitasking, improve focus, and deliver value more consistently and efficiently. It's a small discipline that can yield big results.

Lack of updates

Implementing a Kanban system is one thing; keeping it alive and relevant is another challenge entirely.

Many organizations fall into the trap of setting up a beautiful Kanban board, only to watch it slowly become outdated and irrelevant. This lack of updates can render even the most well-designed system useless.

At the heart of this challenge lies a fundamental truth: you need a Kanban Tsar, especially at the beginning.

This isn't just another role to be assigned casually. It's a crucial position that can make or break your Kanban implementation. The Tsar is the driving force behind adoption, the keeper of the board, and the champion of the Kanban way.

As a project manager, the responsibility of driving adoption falls squarely on your shoulders.

It's not enough to introduce the system and hope for the best. You must actively encourage, remind, and sometimes even insist that team members keep the board updated. This might mean daily check-ins, gentle nudges, or even one-on-one sessions to help team members understand the importance of their contributions to the board.

Software vendors often paint a rosy picture in their marketing materials. They'll tell you that their Kanban tool is so intuitive, so user-friendly, that your team will adopt it seamlessly and effortlessly. Don't be fooled. The reality is starkly different. Even if the software is the easiest to use in the world - and let's face it, that's a big if - you still need to drive the behavior change. We're being brutally honest here, and simplicity is even in our mission statement:

Our mission is to organize the world's work by building the best project management platform on the planet—simple, powerful, flexible, and affordable for all.

Changing habits is hard.

Your team members have their own ways of working, their own systems for keeping track of tasks. Asking them to adopt a new system, no matter how beneficial it might be in the long run, is asking them to step out of their comfort zone. This is where your role as a change agent becomes crucial.

So, how do you ensure that your Kanban board stays up-to-date and relevant?

Start by making updates a part of your daily routine. Lead by example. Update your own tasks religiously and publicly. Make it a point to discuss the board in every team meeting. Celebrate those who keep their tasks updated, and gently remind those who don't. We often find that our long term customers say "if it's not in Blue, it doesn't exist!"

Remember, a Kanban board is only as good as the information it contains. An outdated board is worse than no board at all, as it can lead to misinformed decisions and wasted effort. By focusing on consistent updates, you're not just maintaining a tool - you're nurturing a culture of transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Workflow Ossification

When you first set up your Kanban board, it's a moment of triumph. Everything looks perfect, neatly organized, ready to revolutionize your workflow. But beware! This initial setup is just the beginning of your Kanban journey, not the final destination.

Kanban, at its core, is about continuous improvement and adaptation. It's a living, breathing system that should evolve with your team and projects. Yet, all too often, teams fall into the trap of treating their initial board setup as immutable. This is workflow ossification, and it's a silent killer of Kanban effectiveness. The signs are subtle at first. You might notice outdated columns that no longer reflect your actual workflow. Team members start creating workarounds to fit their tasks into the existing structure.

There's a palpable resistance to suggestions for board changes. "But we've always done it this way," becomes the team's mantra.

Sound familiar?

The risks of letting your Kanban board ossify are significant. Efficiency plummets as the board loses relevance to your actual work processes. Opportunities for improvement slip by unnoticed. Perhaps most damagingly, team engagement and buy-in start to wane. After all, who wants to use a tool that doesn't reflect reality? So how do you keep your Kanban board fresh and relevant? It starts with regular retrospectives. These aren't just for discussing what went well or poorly in your projects. Use them to review your board structure too. Is it still serving its purpose? Could it be improved?

Encourage feedback from your team on the board's usability and relevance. They're in the trenches, using it every day. Their insights are invaluable. Remember, there's a delicate balance between stability and flexibility in board design. You want enough consistency that people aren't constantly relearning the system, but enough flexibility to adapt to changing needs.

Implement strategies to prevent ossification. Schedule periodic board review sessions. Empower team members to suggest improvements – they might see inefficiencies you've overlooked. Don't be afraid to experiment with board changes in short iterations. And always, always use data from your Kanban metrics to inform board evolution.

Remember, the goal is to have a tool that serves your process, not a process that serves your tool. Your Kanban board should evolve as your team and projects do. It should be a reflection of your current reality, not a relic of past planning.

Here's the thing: updating a board structure is trivial. It takes just a few minutes to add a column, change a label, or rearrange the workflow. The real challenge – and the real value – lies in the communication and reasoning behind these changes.

When you update your board, you're not just moving digital sticky notes around. You're evolving your team's shared understanding of how work flows. You're creating opportunities for dialogue about process improvement. You're demonstrating that your team's needs take precedence over rigid adherence to an outdated system.

So, don't shy away from changes because you fear disruption. Instead, use each board update as a chance to engage your team. Explain the logic behind the changes. Invite discussion and feedback. This is where the magic happens – in the conversations sparked by evolution, not in the mechanics of the change itself.

Embrace this continual refinement in your Kanban implementation. Keep it relevant, keep it effective, keep it alive. Because a fossilized Kanban board is about as useful as a stone axe in the digital age. Don't let your workflow turn to stone – keep chiseling, keep shaping, keep improving. Your team, and your projects, will thank you for it. And remember, the most important changes happen not on the board itself, but in the minds and practices of the people using it.

Kanban Theatre

Kanban Theatre is a troubling practice where teams use their Kanban board for show rather than as a genuine work management tool. It's a phenomenon that undermines the very principles of transparency and continuous improvement that Kanban is built upon.

The signs of this problem are easy to spot if you know what to look for. There's often a frantic flurry of updates just before meetings or reviews. You might notice glaring discrepancies between the board status and actual work progress. Perhaps most telling, team members struggle when asked to explain their board updates, revealing a disconnect between the board and reality.

Several factors can lead teams down this path.

Sometimes, it's a lack of buy-in from team members who view the board as just another management fad. Other times, it's the pressure to show progress to higher-ups, turning the board into a PR tool rather than an honest reflection of work.

Misunderstanding Kanban's purpose or simply not allocating enough time for proper board management can also contribute to this issue.

The risks of Kanban Theater are significant. Real-time project insights vanish, replaced by an inaccurate snapshot. Trust in the Kanban process erodes, leaving a shaky foundation for future work. Opportunities for early problem detection slip by unnoticed, and team collaboration becomes artificial and constrained. This facade has real consequences for decision-making too. Managers end up making choices based on inaccurate information. Bottlenecks and issues escape detection until it's almost too late to address them effectively.

To address this problem, start by emphasizing the importance of real-time updates. Make board updates a part of daily stand-ups, turning them into a natural habit. Leaders should set an example by consistently updating their own tasks and celebrating honesty in reporting – even when progress is slow. Use board data in day-to-day decision making, not just in reviews, to demonstrate its ongoing value.

Leadership plays a crucial role in combating Kanban Theater. Create a safe environment for honest reporting, where team members don't fear repercussions for revealing challenges. When issues do arise, focus on problem-solving rather than blame. Show the team how accurate board data helps everyone.

Technology can be a valuable ally in this effort. Use tools that make updates quick and easy, reducing the friction that often leads to procrastination and last-minute rushes. Where possible, consider automated updates from development tools to keep things in sync without extra effort.

Remember, a Kanban board should be a living, breathing representation of work, not a performance put on for stakeholders. The real value comes from consistent, honest usage. By addressing Kanban Theater, teams can unlock the true potential of their Kanban system and foster a culture of transparency and continuous improvement.

Granularity Imbalance

Imagine trying to organize your closet by putting socks, suits, and entire wardrobes into the same drawer. That's essentially what happens with Granularity Imbalance in Kanban boards.

It occurs when a board mixes items of vastly different scales or complexity, creating a confusing jumble of work items.

This imbalance often manifests in several ways. You might see large epics sitting alongside small tasks, or strategic initiatives mixed with day-to-day operational work. Long-term projects and quick fixes compete for attention, creating a visual cacophony that's hard to decipher.

The challenges created by this imbalance are significant. It becomes difficult to assess overall project progress when you're comparing apples to orchards.

Prioritization becomes a nightmare – how do you weigh the importance of a quick bug fix against a major feature rollout? Workload and capacity are often misrepresented, leading to unrealistic expectations. And for team members trying to make sense of it all, cognitive overload is a real risk.

The consequences of Granularity Imbalance can be far-reaching. Large initiatives may lose visibility, their true status obscured by a sea of smaller tasks. Critical small tasks might be overlooked, lost in the shadow of bigger projects. Resource allocation becomes a guessing game, and team motivation can plummet as progress becomes harder to discern.

Stakeholders aren't immune to these effects either. Managers struggle to get a clear picture of project health, unable to see the forest for the trees (or the trees for the forest, depending on their focus). Team members may feel overwhelmed or lose sight of how their daily work contributes to larger objectives.

So how can we address this imbalance? One effective strategy is to use hierarchical boards, with an epic-level board feeding into more granular task-level boards. Clear guidelines on what belongs where can help maintain this structure. Visual cues like tagging or color-coding can differentiate scales of work at a glance. Regular grooming sessions to break down large items and the use of swim lanes can also help separate different scales of work.

Context is key in maintaining balance. Ensure that smaller tasks are visibly linked to larger objectives, and provide ways for stakeholders to zoom in and out on work items as needed. It's a constant balancing act to find the right level of detail – one that provides clarity without overwhelming users.

Remember, you can make a conscious decision about your preferred level of granularity. What matters is that it works for your team and project needs. Tools like story points or t-shirt sizes can help indicate relative scale without cluttering your board.

The goal is to create a Kanban board that's meaningful and actionable at all levels of the organization. Strive for that "just right" granularity that provides clear insight into both day-to-day progress and overall project direction. With the right balance, your Kanban board can become a powerful tool for alignment, prioritization, and progress tracking across all levels of work.

Emotional Detachment

The Human Side of Kanban: Avoiding Emotional Detachment

In the world of Kanban, it's easy to get caught up in the mechanics of moving cards and tracking metrics. But we must remember that behind every task, every card, and every statistic is a human being. Emotional detachment in Kanban occurs when teams forget this crucial human element, and it can have far-reaching consequences.

The signs of emotional detachment are subtle but significant. You might notice team members referring to work items by numbers or codes instead of discussing their content or impact. There's a laser focus on moving cards across the board, with little consideration for the people doing the work. Completed tasks or milestones pass by without celebration, robbing the team of moments of shared accomplishment.

The psychological impact of this detachment can be profound. Team members may experience stress from the constant visibility of their work progress (or lack thereof). Anxiety can build as tasks linger in certain columns, feeling like a public display of perceived failure. Comparing individual progress to others can breed feelings of inadequacy, while seeing personal contributions reduced to mere statistics can be deeply demotivating.

This emotional disconnect poses serious risks to team dynamics. Empathy among team members may decrease as they view colleagues as task-completion machines rather than individuals with unique challenges and strengths. Unhealthy competition or resentment can fester. The collaborative spirit that's so crucial to effective teamwork can erode, replaced by a cold, transactional approach to projects.

Project outcomes suffer too. When the focus is solely on "moving cards," opportunities for constructive feedback and support are missed. Creativity and problem-solving can take a back seat to the pressure of showing visible progress. In some cases, team members might even manipulate the board to avoid negative perceptions, further distancing the Kanban system from reality.

So how can we maintain the human connection in our Kanban practice? Start by regularly discussing the impact and value of work, not just its status. Encourage team members to share the context and challenges behind their tasks. Implement a system for peer recognition and celebration of achievements, no matter how small. Consider using avatars or photos on cards as a visual reminder of the person behind the task.

Leadership plays a crucial role in combating emotional detachment. Leaders should model empathy and consideration in board discussions, creating safe spaces for team members to express concerns about workload. It's vital to balance the focus on metrics with genuine attention to team wellbeing.

While visibility is a key tenet of Kanban, consider implementing some level of privacy for sensitive tasks. Provide options for team members to temporarily "hide" from the board if needed, allowing for periods of focused work without the pressure of constant observation.

Fostering a supportive culture is key. Emphasize learning and growth over pure productivity. Encourage team members to offer help when they notice colleagues struggling. Regular check-ins on team morale can help address concerns before they become major issues.

Tools and techniques can support this human-centric approach. Use features that allow for comments or discussions on cards, enabling richer context and collaboration. Consider implementing ways to track and visualize team mood or satisfaction alongside traditional productivity metrics.

Remember, while Kanban boards are powerful tools for visualizing work, they're ultimately in service of the people doing that work. Behind every card is a person with skills, challenges, and emotions. Maintaining this human connection isn't just about being nice – it's vital for long-term team success and wellbeing. By balancing the efficiency of Kanban with empathy and human understanding, we can create work environments that are not only productive but also supportive, collaborative, and ultimately more fulfilling for everyone involved.

Lack of Data Insights

In the world of Kanban, data is everywhere. Every card movement, every completed task, every blockerencountered tells a story. But too often, these stories remain untold, buried in the raw data of our boards. This is the challenge of not dashboarding your Kanban data – a missed opportunity to transform information into insight.

Many teams fall into this trap for various reasons. Some Kanban tools have limited features for data analysis. Integrating data from multiple sources can be complex and time-consuming. Project managers might lack the data analysis skills needed to create meaningful dashboards. Time constraints often push dashboard creation to the bottom of the priority list. And sometimes, there's simply uncertainty about which metrics are most valuable to track.

But the benefits of dashboarding Kanban data are too significant to ignore. It provides an objective basis for process improvement, enabling data-driven decision making rather than relying on gut feelings or anecdotes. Dashboards can help predict delivery times and manage expectations, both within the team and with stakeholders. They facilitate early identification of trends and issues, allowing for proactive problem-solving. Perhaps most importantly, they support continuous improvement efforts by providing clear, measurable indicators of progress.

So what should you be tracking? Several key metrics stand out:

Cycle Time: This measures how long a task spends in active work stages, helping identify process efficiency and bottlenecks. Lead Time: The total time from task creation to completion, indicating overall responsiveness to new work items. Throughput: The number of items completed in a given period, showing team productivity and capacity. Work In Progress (WIP): The number of items in active columns, crucial for monitoring adherence to WIP limits. Blockers: Items prevented from progressing, highlighting systemic issues or dependencies.

Implementing dashboards isn't without challenges. Ensuring data accuracy and consistency is crucial – after all, insights are only as good as the data they're based on. Choosing the right level of detail and frequency of updates requires careful consideration to avoid information overload. And interpreting data correctly in context is a skill that teams need to develop over time.

To implement dashboarding effectively, start simple. Choose a few key metrics and build from there. Gradually add complexity as your team's understanding grows. Involve the team in dashboard design and interpretation – this builds buy-in and ensures the dashboards meet real needs. Regularly review and refine your dashboards based on their utility. And consider automated data collection and visualization tools to reduce the manual effort involved.

The impact of good dashboarding on teams and stakeholders can be transformative. It increases transparency and trust by providing a clear, objective view of project status and team performance. It provides common ground for discussions about performance and improvements, moving conversations from subjective opinions to data-backed insights. And it helps align team efforts with organizational goals by clearly showing how daily work contributes to bigger objectives.

Remember, dashboarding your Kanban data isn't about creating pretty charts – it's about transforming raw information into actionable insights. It's a powerful tool for continuous improvement and should be considered an essential part of any mature Kanban implementation. By unlocking the stories hidden in your data, you can drive your team and projects to new levels of efficiency and success.

Metric Myopia

As discussed above, metrics are powerful tools. They provide visibility, drive improvements, and offer a common language for discussing progress. But when teams become overly fixated on these metrics, they risk falling into the trap of Metric Myopia – an excessive focus on board metrics at the expense of actual project outcomes and value delivery.

Metric Myopia manifests in various ways. Teams might prioritize moving cards across the board over ensuring the quality of work. High velocity is celebrated without considering the value of the completed items. In more extreme cases, teams might manipulate Work In Progress (WIP) limits to artificially improve cycle time metrics or break down tasks unnecessarily just to show more completed items. These actions may make the numbers look good, but they often come at the cost of real project success.

The risks associated with this myopic focus are significant. Team activities can become misaligned with project goals as everyone chases metric improvements rather than true value delivery. The quality of deliverables may decrease as speed takes precedence over thoroughness. There's often a loss of focus on customer or end-user value, as internal metrics overshadow external impact. Perhaps most damagingly, trust between the team and stakeholders can erode as the gap between reported metrics and actual progress widens.

Certain metrics are particularly prone to myopic focus. Cycle time, for instance, is often scrutinized without considering the context of task complexity. The number of completed tasks might be celebrated without regard for their importance or impact. WIP limit adherence might be strictly enforced without considering whether the current workflow is actually efficient.

Several factors can cause Metric Myopia. There's often pressure to show constant improvement in metrics, leading teams to optimize for the numbers rather than true progress. Sometimes, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of Kanban measurements – they're meant to be indicators, not targets. An overemphasis on quantitative over qualitative assessment can also skew focus, as can a lack of clear connection between metrics and project objectives. This myopic focus can significantly impact team behavior. Members might start gaming the system to improve their numbers, breaking down tasks or rushing through work. There might be a reluctance to take on complex, high-value tasks that could negatively impact metrics. Collaboration can decrease as team members focus on their individual metrics rather than collective success.

So how can teams combat Metric Myopia? Start by balancing quantitative metrics with qualitative assessments. Regularly review and adjust which metrics are emphasized, ensuring they align with current project needs. Tie metrics directly to project outcomes and business value, making the connection between numbers and impact explicit. Encourage discussion of the story behind the numbers – what do these metrics really mean for your project and stakeholders?

Leadership plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy perspective on metrics. Foster a culture that values outcomes over output. Provide context for metrics in relation to broader goals, helping the team understand how their daily work contributes to larger objectives. Recognize and reward value delivery, not just metric improvements.

Remember, using metrics effectively is a balancing act. Use them as indicators, not targets. Combine multiple metrics for a holistic view of progress. Regularly reassess whether your current metrics are driving the behaviors and outcomes you actually want.

Consider implementing tools and techniques that tie metrics to value. Value stream mapping can help visualize end-to-end value delivery. Using OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) can align metrics with strategic goals. Regular retrospectives focused on the impact of metric focus can help keep the team grounded in what really matters.

While metrics are crucial for understanding and improving your Kanban process, they should serve your project goals, not define them. True success lies in delivering value, not just moving cards or improving numbers. Strive for a balanced approach that uses metrics as a tool for insight, not as the end goal itself. By seeing beyond the numbers, teams can ensure their Kanban practice remains focused on what truly matters – delivering value and achieving project success.


As we've explored throughout this article, implementing Kanban effectively comes with its share of challenges.

From overloaded boards and push vs. pull conflicts to WIP limit violations and the dangers of metric myopia, teams often struggle to harness the full potential of Kanban. These hurdles aren't just minor inconveniences; they can significantly impact project outcomes, team morale, and overall organizational efficiency.

In the landscape of project management tools, we've observed a persistent gap. Many existing solutions fall into one of two categories: overly complex systems that overwhelm users with features, or oversimplified tools that lack the depth needed for serious project management.

Finding a balance between power and user-friendliness has been an ongoing challenge in the industry.

This is where Blue enters the picture.

Born out of a real need for a Kanban tool that's both powerful and accessible, Blue was created to address the shortcomings of other project management systems and helps teams ensure that the first principles of project management are in place.

Our design philosophy is simple yet ambitious: to provide a platform that offers robust capabilities without sacrificing ease of use.

Blue's features are specifically tailored to tackle the common Kanban challenges we've discussed.

Try out our free trial and see for yourself.