API Docs

Update Custom Field Values

Learn how to update custom field values using the Blue API.

Custom Field Samples Values

In the table below, you can find sample values for each custom field type.

Custom Field TypeValue FormatExample
TEXT_SINGLEPlain Text"Project Alpha"
TEXT_MULTIPlain Text"This is a\nmulti-line description"
SELECT_MULTIComma-separated CustomFieldOptionIds"option_123456,option_789012"
CHECKBOXBoolean-like value"true", "1", "checked"
COUNTRYISO 3166 country code"US", "GB", "JP"
CURRENCYAmount with currency code"USD200", "200USD", "KHR4000"
DATEISO 8601 date string(s)"2023-12-31" or "2023-12-01,2023-12-31"
PHONEPlain Text"+1-555-123-4567"
EMAILPlain Text"[email protected]"
STAR_RATINGPlain Text"4"
PERCENTPlain Text"75"
URLPlain Text"https://example.com"