To get a list of all lists in a project, you can use the following query:
query TodoLists {
todoLists(projectId: "project-id") {
You can see a walkthrough of how to get a list of lists in the video below:
You have to first query the project to get the list of lists and get the max position and then increment by a magic number (65535.0) to get the new position.
The magic number means that each list will be spaced out by a value of 65535.0, so the first list will be 65535.0, the second list will be 131070.0, and so on.
You can use the following mutation to create a new list:
mutation CreateTodoList {
createTodoList(input: { projectId: "project-id", title: "New List", position: 65535 }) {
To update a list name, you can use the following mutation:
mutation EditTodoList {
todoList: editTodoList(input: { todoListId: "list-id", title: "new name" }) {
To delete a list, you can use the following mutation:
mutation DeleteTodoList {
deleteTodoList(input: { projectId: "project-id", todoListId: "list-id" }) {