Use Cases

Project Management

Blue is an excellent platform for managing all aspects of your projects in one centralized location. Here are some of the key ways Blue supports effective project management along with major benefits:

Task and Milestone Tracking

At the core of project management is breaking down initiatives into concrete tasks and milestones. Blue provides an infinite kanban board interface to capture all your records and track progress.

  • Create tasks within customizable project stages that match your workflow

Project Management 1

  • Set due dates, assignees, checklists, priorities, and dependencies and gain clarity into what needs to be done, who is responsible, when it's due, and how items relate.

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Benefits: Centralized task tracking, cascading due dates, accountability through assignments, progress clarity.

Custom Data Fields

Blue allows you to define custom fields to manage structured project data. Rather than relying on disorganized notes or descriptions, you can standardize information into consistent fields.

  • Add custom fields like budgets, priorities, requirements, constraints, risks, approvals, scores, grades, metrics, and more
  • Filter and report on custom field values to extract key insights
  • Ensure data consistency across all project records

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Benefits: Structured data, advanced filtering and reporting, customization to your project needs

Project Automation

Blue features a suite of process automation tools to streamline project management, reduce manual work, and keep tasks flowing.

  • Trigger actions like assigning, field updates, status changes, and emails based on events like new tasks, missed deadlines, approvals, etc.
  • Automate redundant administrative work
  • Configure conditional logic for precision automation
  • Gain time back to focus on the work that drives outcomes

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Dashboards & Reporting

With custom fields capturing standardized data, Blue provides real-time summaries across multiple projects and reports to guide strategic decisions.

  • Charts showing budgets, milestones, resource allocation, approvals, scores, priorities, and more
  • Timelines tracking project progress and changes over time
  • Filter all dashboards dynamically across projects
  • Data updates in real-time to represent current state Benefits: Executive visibility, data-driven decisions, identification of trends/risks, clear communication, continuous improvement

By unifying task management, structured data, automation, and reporting into one platform, Blue forms an integrated ecosystem to streamline and optimize project delivery.